Thursday, September 4, 2008

I don't get it

The idea of protesting at the Republican National Convention is totally lost on me. Sure lots of shitty policy comes out of that half of our government but the same can easily be said about the other half as well. Making a stink and getting arrested does not exactly accomplish anything and it certainly is not going to change the minds of those who feel strongly enough about the GOP to go to the convention in the first place. Seriously all the dirt balls protesting should just stay home. Think about all the gas you can save by NOT going out to do this kind of thing. If you knuckleheads could not be counted on for this kind of douchebaggery each year I would think they would have to invest less time and state money in putting a bunch of cops out there to keep an eye on you. Besides trying to disrupt a group's little get together just because you disagree with them seems so... I don't know... un-American? I don't mean that in the silly waving flags way but more in the freedom of speech way. They have the right to their opinions too. Spend your time volunteering at a Democratic candidates campaign headquarters or something if you feel that strongly about sharing your views... in November we will see who comes out on top. My money is that the winner will be a carreer politician who makes far more money than I do and really does not have any reason to keep the interests of average citizen in mind. All this posturing and grandstanding is just silly.

1 comment:

MYWORLD said...

stu ate steak tonight