Saturday, April 4, 2009

World champion stripes

Am I the only one who is sick to death of fixed gear / urban bike culture commandeering the world champion stripes?

I was dorky as shit when that old guy showed up to the group ride with the stripes on his jersey.

It's just as bad when you put it on your blog/t-shirt/toptube pad/whatever.

There are only TWO kinds of people who use the stripes without looking like a complete douchelord.

Current world champions.
Former world champions.

And no... bike messenger and bike polo worlds do not count.

This kind of nonsense just speaks to the total lack of respect for history that's so rampant right now in bike culture. Everyone wants to sweat Merckx without showing the same respect for De Vlaminck, Antequil, or even Indurain their due.

*the one and only exception has to be the older style Pace Campagnolo cycling caps but even that is starting to make me feel like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does when he sees a picture of Mohammed.

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