Sunday, August 24, 2008

House hunting...

Sarah and I are going to be driving around today to check out some houses in person that we have found online. I still can't 100% believe that we are actually going to buy a house in the next few months. It's pretty exciting. I am really looking forward to the act of putting time and effort into a house and yard and not feel like a sucker because someone else owns it. I definitely plan on building a really nice Japanese style garden. Knowing that I will be in the same place for years to come will also afford me the ability to take some steps with my dabbling in bonsai that I previously could not. One of these is the act of planting trees in open ground for a time. For those who don't really know much about it the concept of taking a bonsai tree out of pot and putting it in the ground seems strange but is actually really important when developing a miniature tree from what is essentially a shaped sapling to a mature miniature tree. About half of the trees I am working on could benefit from at least two or three years in the ground.
Realistically we are looking for something pretty small with a yard but I am crossing my fingers with the hope that we will have enough space that I an make a nice studio room for painting again. Something else I neglect entirely to much.

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