Sunday, October 12, 2008

I pretty much hate all politicians...

I gave up on voting a few years back when it finally occurred to me that it doesn't matter if a guys campaign sign is red or blue; his 6 figure income ass will never actually have my interests truly in mind and all the side issues are just that... a distraction. I can't remember the last time I heard one of these guys actually answer a question with anything that resembled a clear answer. But this November I am going to actually vote. Why the change of policy? My friend Julie was talking with Sarah about voting and shares part of my sentiment but made a good point. Obama is viewed by the international community with emotions ranging from "appreciation" to "not total hatred and disgust" whereas our current fearless leader ranges somewhere between "total disgust" and "pure I want to bomb your country over and over hatred". So a vote for Obama is a vote to reduce my chances of getting blown up or exposed to some nasty poison. Finally a political issue I can really get behind. Selfish self preservation. Plus he looks cooler on a track bike than McCain.

Courtesy of Ipsofatso.


Anonymous said...

no one looks cool on a track bike

Braden said...

You're right... I should have said "Obama looks less retarded on a bicycle."