Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Starr "train-wreck" Walker

This is a series of text messages I got last night...

10:09:18pm From 8047870059- Star is puking! Oh no!
10:09:22pm From Ben Hatton- Starrs throwing up everywher
10:09:36pm From Tony Hall- Starr just ruled
10:09:47pm From Starr- Ahhhhhh
10:10:40pm From Me- Classy
10:15:10pm From Tony Hall- Starr puts the ass in classy
10:16:22pm From Ben Hatton- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

1 comment:

starrwalker said...

ME: [insert me puking vodka & succotash here] - "TIGHT!"

ME: [insert me puking vodka & succotash AGAIN here] - "Ugh NOT tight!"

ME: [insert me puking vodka & succotash for the 3rd time here] - "fuuuuuuuuuuuuk"

Tony: You look like you were crying
Me: I just threw up 3 times!
Tony: Let's text Braden!
Me: such a good idea